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Search Results for: heart

Do ‘Early Birds’ Get the Healthier Worm?

Early birds may have a leg up over night owls when it comes to health and weight, new research suggests. Investigators in Finland found that morning people tend to eat better and earlier in the day than late-to-bed types. The result: a higher risk of obesity for the night owls, said study lead author Mirkka […]

Fitter Middle-Aged Men Seem to Fend Off Cancer

If you’re looking for a good reason to shape up, consider the finding of a recent study. Here’s the worthy incentive: Men who are fitter in middle age may be less likely to develop and die from cancer. A fitness factor? In JAMA Oncology, researchers looked at the health of nearly 14,000 middle-aged men. They […]

Adopt These Five Habits for Better Colon Health

Lowering your risk In the journal BMC Medicine, researchers set out to test if a certain lifestyle pattern might lower a person’s risk for colorectal cancer. To do so, they first created a healthy lifestyle index. This index took into account 5 behaviors: Staying at a healthy weight Not smoking Getting regular physical activity—at least […]

Cardiovascular Disease Screening

  You’ve probably heard that people with diabetes are at risk for multiple health complications, including cardiovascular disease. As it turns out, cardiovascular disease is especially common among people with diabetes: The majority of people with type 2 diabetes will eventually develop it. Although most people have heard of cardiovascular disease, few understand exactly what […]

Do You Feel Down?

It’s impossible to be cheerful all the time. Some days are harder than others. But if you just can’t shake your sadness or you have mysterious aches and pains, you may be suffering from depression. Like heart disease and diabetes, clinical depression is an illness. Depression may be the result of a chemical imbalance in […]

Tactics for Better Diabetes Care

Living with diabetes can be a challenge. Researchers are always looking for new ways to help people with the disease. Some strategies focus on new medicines or forms of insulin.

Watch Salt in Kids’ Diets

Many people eat too many salty foods, and kids are no exception. Parents can set the stage for better adult habits by putting limits on salty foods right from the start.