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Search Results for: heart

Boost Your Immunity

Have you been so focused on COVID-19 that you haven’t given much thought to the approaching cold and flu season? Fortunately, you’re not destined to get sick. Build up your defenses now so that you can fend off germs when they attack. One of the best ways to boost immunity: a nutritious eating plan. Focus […]

Bike Your Way to Better Health

Talk about the cycle of life: You could save money and cut pollution while getting a workout. Biking has long been popular for recreation, but the surge in gas prices over the years has fueled spikes in commuter cycling around the country. Since 2000, there’s been a 60 percent increase nationwide in the number of […]

How Belly Fat is Sabotaging Your Health

What do you have in common with an apple? If you’re like most men, that round shape is what you look like with a few too many pounds—widest around the middle. Women, on the other hand, tend to be pear-shaped: Extra fat typically heads to their hips, rather than their waists. That difference is an […]

8 Superfoods for Fighting Diabetes

Lots of foods can be healthy choices if you have diabetes or are concerned about getting it. But a few really pack a punch with vitamins, minerals, fiber, or healthy fats. Make room on your plate for these nutritional powerhouses. 1.      Avocados contain monounsaturated fat, which helps lower “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. That’s important, because diabetes nearly doubles the risk of having a […]

Heat-Related Illnesses

Heat-Related Illnesses What are heat-related illnesses? Exposure to abnormal or prolonged amounts of heat and humidity without relief or adequate fluid intake can cause various types of heat-related illness. Children and teens adjust more slowly than adults do to changes in environmental heat. They also produce more heat with activity than adults, and sweat less. […]

Find Cool Ways to Break a Sweat This Summer

There’s nothing like stepping outside to enjoy summer’s warmth and sunshine. Now is the perfect time to get out in the great outdoors while improving your fitness and overall health. Exercise is important for everyone, no matter your age or health status. Even if you have a condition such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or […]

5 Health Habits That Could Hurt You

Your health is a priority, so you try to take good care of yourself. But some habits that you think are healthy may actually be harmful. Here’s how to avoid five common mistakes. 1. Reusing Unwashed Grocery Bags The problem: Reusable grocery bags reduce waste. But they may also harbor germs that could contaminate your food […]

10 Ways to Unplug from Work—And Why It’s Important

  Do you have a hard time powering down your phone after hours? You may be putting both your productivity and health at risk. Studies have shown that time away from work can reduce stress, encourage creative thinking, ward off depression, and even prevent heart attacks. So the next time you feel like checking your […]

Exercise Intensity

Exercise: Measuring Your Pace Getting your heart to work at the right pace is important. It means you’ll develop better aerobic endurance. This happens because your heart gets stronger and more efficient from the challenge. A stronger heart can pump more oxygen to your muscles. Then you don’t get tired as quickly when doing hobbies, […]

Add Variety to Your Vegetables

As a child, you may have been scolded for not eating your veggies. As an adult, you may have never truly outgrown that finicky eating. If you’re like most Americans, you don’t eat enough vegetables on a daily basis. Your diet may also be lacking valuable veggie variety. A healthy taste From the bitter bite […]