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Search Results for: heart

Exercising in the Heat

Exercise is important at any time of year, but the hot summer months require extra precautions to keep you from overheating.

Menopause Myths

Myth #1:  Menopause begins at 50 Menopause begins at 50…or at 42…or 36…or 61. The average woman begins menopause at 52, but you may start your transition anywhere from your 30’s to your 60’s. Menopause is technically defined as the absence of a menstruation for a period of one year. Women sometimes say they didn’t […]

Stronger Muscles, Longer Life

As you age, you gradually lose muscle mass. The result: Your muscles weaken. By keeping them strong, though, you can slow down this natural part of aging. A recent study suggests you may even add years to your life.