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Search Results for: heart

Melody Blanchard: I Am So Glad I Made Time For My Mammogram

During the month of October we are sharing stories from women whose lives and experiences have been shaped by a breast cancer diagnosis. We hope these stories will help provide comfort and courage to others whose lives have been touched by cancer. In today’s world, life is so busy it is easy to lose focus […]

Top 5 Ways to Ensure Your Baby is Safe in the Car

Bethany, from Birth with Bethany is guest posting for Leslie Taggart today on keeping your child safe in the car. As a CPST (child passenger safety technician), I’ve seen some very, shall we say, creative(?) uses and placements of car seats. When we become parents, our lives tend to revolve around this very tiny, very […]

Add a Little Spice, Live a Little Longer

Some people shy away from spicy foods, while others savor them. If you can’t take the heat, you may want to prime your taste buds. A recent study suggests regularly eating spicy foods—in particular, chili peppers—may lengthen your life.

To Nap or Not to Nap?

Setting aside enough time for sleep probably isn’t on your daily to-do list. Like many people, you may struggle for shut-eye. In fact, 3 out of 10 adults in the U.S. average 6 or fewer hours of sleep a night. Daytime napping may seem like a good way to recoup some of that lost slumber. […]

Smokeless Tobacco Isn't Safe

Many people think using smokeless tobacco is safer than smoking. Just because there’s no smoke, doesn’t mean it’s safe, the American Cancer Society says.

Leslie's Favorite Slow Cooker Recipes

If you’re like me, summertime can be a very busy time of the year. Baseball games, swimming lessons, cookouts, vacations, family get-togethers, church activities and gardening (not to mention caring for my children and housework) consume a lot of my time outside of my job at the hospital.

Can Your Diet Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease?

Eating a healthy diet may help prevent many diseases. Two big ones are heart disease and cancer. But what about Alzheimer’s disease? A recent study suggests certain foods may work against this disabling brain illness, too.