During the month of October we are sharing stories from women whose lives and experiences have been shaped by a breast cancer diagnosis. We hope these stories will help provide comfort and courage to others whose lives have been touched by cancer.
They are not words you ever want to hear… “I’m sorry, you have cancer.” Unfortunately, these were the words I heard over 10 years ago. In fact, two of my sisters had the same diagnosis within six weeks of mine. Those were dark days.
I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer and within a few weeks I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction and chemotherapy. It was a very long, scary, emotional year. I tried to think of all the tests, exams, procedures, drugs, and surgeries I endured that year, but I kept coming back to one thought…I survived and am a better person because of cancer. What I went through is not nearly as important as how cancer changed me.
I have hope. I see the big picture. I can sift out the important from the unimportant. I have started a project to make and present fleece blankets to those who have been recently diagnosed with cancer. It brings me such joy to help others when they are down and need assistance. My focus is clear. My mission is to help others, enjoy each and every day and live life to the fullest.
– Gina Fox