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Search Results for: heart

Can Your Gut Health Affect Your Heart?

Trust your gut. Follow your heart. As it turns out, you can do both at once: The health of your cardiovascular and digestive systems appears to be linked. Why? One hundred trillion bacteria, from at least several hundred species, inhabit your gastrointestinal tract. Many of these so-called microbes are good for you. They help you […]

Too Young for Heart Problems? Think Again

Heart disease is more common with age. If you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, you might believe it’s something you don’t need to worry about right now. Yet it’s never too early to start paying attention to your heart health. Young adults can develop heart problems, too. The rise in obesity and diabetes at […]

Managing Stress and Anger Can Do Your Heart Good

Can we have a heart-to-heart about stress and anger? It’s totally understandable to feel upset at times. In small doses, these feelings serve a useful purpose by alerting you to problems and challenges in your life. But if the feelings are too frequent or intense, they can swamp your body’s response system. Your health may […]

5 Questions Everyone with Heart Disease Should Answer

Learning that you have heart disease is an overwhelming experience. All of a sudden there are lots of changes to make, including the foods that you eat, the activities you do, and the medicines that you take. The goal with treatment for heart disease is to reduce your risk for serious complications, such as a […]

Heart Healthy Cooking Tips

Preparing foods to meet guidelines for heart healthy eating does not have to be complicated or intimidating. Heart healthy eating should include foods from all food groups to meet nutrient needs, but they should be prepared in such a way to promote the health benefits of the foods. In general, most heart healthy guidelines will […]

Create a Heart-Healthy Salad

Salads don’t have to be bland to be nutritious. At the same time, it’s easy to overdo calories and fats when adding ingredients to your greens.


Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best weapons for fighting cardiovascular disease and other heart conditions. Assuming most Americans know this fact, why is heart disease still the number 1 killer among adults? A major reason is that most Americans eat too many high-fat, high-calorie foods. These steps will help you reduce your risk […]

Better Heart Health No Matter Your Age

Your heart is one of the hardest working muscles in your body. It’s constantly pumping blood. Heart disease can make it tough for your heart to do this job. Fortunately, research shows making healthy lifestyle changes—even later in life—may stop and actually reverse heart damage.