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The Things You Weren’t Expecting After Delivery

Leslie Sized

When a friend of mine packed her hospital bag before giving birth, she threw in a tunic and a pair of pre-pregnancy capris for heading home. But despite delivering a 7-pound bundle of joy, she still couldn’t squeeze herself into those capris when it was time to go. She left the hospital wearing the same sundress she had arrived in.

Many new moms don’t realize how big they’ll still be after giving birth (surprisingly, it can take up to nine months for your abdomen to return to its pre-pregnancy size) or know about the other changes that occur in the hours and days afterward. While you can’t prepare for everything, there are some common postpartum experiences you should be aware of before your baby arrives.

You’ll get a “massage.” After you deliver your baby and the placenta, your doctor or midwife will press gently on your belly to ensure your uterus is contracting. Called a “fundal massage,” this practice helps decrease the bleeding that occurs after childbirth. But “massage” is a misleading term. For some, it can be uncomfortable.

Shaking is normal. Your body knows childbirth is a monumental event – which may be why it’s common for your whole body to shake toward the end of delivery or right afterward. It’s caused by a combination of the adrenaline from pushing as well as from hormonal shifts. Shaking generally lasts for several minutes after giving birth and subsides within an hour. If you experience shivers or shakes in the days following your delivery, this could be a sign of infection and you should notify your healthcare provider.

Stitches may be needed. You might have an episiotomy (a surgical incision in the perineum, the area between the vagina and the anus, to assist in the delivery of the baby’s head), or you may have a natural tear that requires stitches. If you received an epidural, no other medications will be needed during repair. If you didn’t, you’ll be given local anesthesia for pain control. Any stitches in that area will dissolve on their own over time. For the soreness that follows, witch-hazel pads, cold packs, or a sitz bath (sitting in a shallow basin of warm water) can be soothing. You can also ask your doctor about a topical numbing cream or ibuprofen to ease the pain. Of course, if you have a c-section, your doctor will use either stitches or staples to close up the incision in your abdomen. Stitches will dissolve on their own over time, but staples will need to be removed by your doctor in five to seven days.

Expect a lot of blood. You probably assume you’ll bleed during childbirth, but you’ll continue bleeding after delivery. This discharge, or lochia, is the uterine lining that’s been building up during pregnancy. While lochia is bright red in the first few days (and blood clots that are golf-ball size or smaller are normal), it should decrease and become lighter in color in the weeks after delivery. Alert your provider if you have larger-size blood clots or you’re soaking through two or more maxi pads in an hour, as this may be a sign of a hemorrhage and will require a prompt evaluation.

There’s swelling. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by as much as 50 percent. And while you do lose blood during childbirth, this extra blood, as well as the IV fluids you received during labor or a c-section, need to go somewhere. As a result, you may notice swelling in your lower legs and even in the vaginal and labial areas. However, this should resolve within 10 days to two weeks after you have your baby.

You’ll still pee a lot. As your body tries to get rid of the extra fluid, you’ll need to urinate frequently – much as when you were pregnant. Alas, birth can take a toll on your urinary tract: you may have trouble going or sensing when you need to, or leak when you cough or sneeze. It’s normal to have a little incontinence the first few days. However, tell your doctor if it persists for more than a few weeks.

– Leslie

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