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Help Your Teen Prepare for the New School Year

When a new school year begins, many teens have a hard time readjusting their sleeping habits.

But there are a number ways to prepare, according to Michelle Fulton, APN. 

  • Get a head start on resuming a normal sleep schedule. “If you go to bed after midnight on Sunday before class starts, it’s going to be a tough Monday. It’s very hard to shift your schedule overnight, so parents need to start imposing that a few days early,” Fulton said.
  • Avoid bright lights in the evening. “Phones, tablets, laptops, television… It’s hard to get those completely out of the post-dinner schedule, but you don’t want to be crawling into bed with the phone. And if there are bright lights outside, you might block them out with blackout curtains,” Fulton said.
  • Don’t have caffeine after late afternoon and be careful about late meals. “A heavy meal isn’t great for sleep,” Fulton said. “Research shows that food high in saturated fats interferes with quality sleep. Foods that are high in fiber and low in saturated fats are better.”
  • Keep your bedroom quiet. Earplugs are a good option if there are noises such as a busy road or snoring roommate.
  • Writing can help keep your worries under control. “A lot of students have anxiety about school, both from the academic side and the social side,” Fulton said. “Anxiety can interfere with good sleep. For insomnia, some cognitive behavior therapists recommend listing in a journal everything you’re worried about.”


Michelle Fulton, APN SBL Newton Clinic

Michelle Fulton is always accepting new patients at the Sarah Bush Lincoln Newton Clinic. To make an appointment with her contact the clinic at (618) 783-3800 or click here.

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