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Get Your Flu Shot Before the Flu is Widespread

While relatively few cases of flu have surfaced so far in the United States, health officials say the holiday season will likely change that, so everyone should get a flu shot now.

People will be shopping, traveling and going to gatherings – all excellent ways to be exposed to flu.

People get flu when they are around people with flu. Getting vaccinated in the weeks before you leave for holiday trips helps stop the spread.

The best way to protect yourself from the flu is to get a flu shot, even when the flu is epidemic. It’s never too late to get vaccinated.

In a typical flu season, flu complications – including pneumonia –  send more than 200,000 people to the hospital. Death rates linked to flu vary annually, but have gone as high as 49,000 deaths in a year, the CDC says.

Pregnant women are at increased risk from the flu. And it’s vital that women with newborns get their flu shot to help protect their infants, who can’t be vaccinated until they are at least 6 months old.

Also at risk are seniors and people with chronic health problems, such as lung and heart disease.

The more people who are vaccinated, there is less circulating virus and fewer people are at risk.


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